Office Colors That Inspire Creativity

When it’s time to focus all of your efforts on your work, you want your workspace to be a productive and inspiring place. Honing in on our creativity can be difficult to do, especially if our workspace isn’t up to par. If you work in a space that lacks color, your are dulling your creative juices. Use these three inspiring colors to create a workspace that will ignite your passion and get your mind working!

  • Busy Blue: Hues of blue create a calming environment that allows for focus and productivity. The color blue has been linked to improved cognitive performance, making it a great choice for people in the creative industry. Marketing professionals, animators and creative writers can all benefit from the use of blue in their workspace.
  • Go Go Green: This calming, natural color is great for creating a comfortable and soothing workspace. Like blue, certain shades of green can enhance a person’s creativity. As a reassuring and balancing color, green works well in retail stores where money is being exchanged. Green is a color of productivity and works well in workspaces that you spend a lot of time in.
  • Raging Red: Bright colors like red and orange work well if your job requires physical activity. These colors inspire passion and productivity, and studies have shown that they can increase heart rate and overall blood flow. If you work in a fitness center or in the civil service industry (like firefighting), red and orange are excellent colors that will keep you motivated and passionate about the work you do.

Whether your workspace is your office or your bedroom, there are certain colors that you can use to make yourself more productive. These office painting tips are brought to you by the experts of Huntington Township residential and commercial painters. Call today with more help with color theory or to schedule your free, detailed estimate!

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