How to Keep Your Home Extra Cozy This Winter

The winter months are quickly approaching, which means colder days, freezing nights and the potential for snowfall. When there is a significant amount of snow, many schools and workplaces have to declare a snow-day to keep everyone safe. There is nothing better than spending a winter day at home, especially when you have a cozy house to get snowed in to! Here are a few tips of how to make sure your home is snow-day ready.

Add an over-sized ottoman to the mix. Gone are the days where every house has a traditional coffee table. Over-sized ottomans are a great replacement! Many ottomans have built in storage and can also be used as a foot rest, additional seating, and a table when adding a drink tray. There are many ways to dress up or dress down an over-sized ottoman in your living space, but on snowy days it’s a nice addition to have where you can curl up and rest your feet while watching a movie with your loved ones.

Warm up with blankets and throws. Wishing you could add pops of color to your living space this winter? The perfect temporary fix is to add additional blankets and throws into your living area. Drape a throw across the back of your couch as an accessory. Place a pile of blankets in a basket next to the couch at an arm’s reach to keep yourself warm on the coldest days. Also, extra blankets around means you can build a fort with the kids when they have a snow-day from school!

Soften the space with pillows. Another way to add color and texture to a room is to add a mix of pillows. They come in all different shapes, sizes, materials and colors and are an easy accessory to add to a living space. This winter, change up the look of your living space by adding extra pillows to your couch, making it an inviting and comfy place to relax. Try to find pillows in warm tones like red or maroon to keep the room festive well after the holiday season.

Cozy up with a good read. Do you have trouble finding the time to read a book or catch up on your magazine subscription? Snow-days are a great excuse to sit and read all day. Place a stack of magazines and books on your ottoman for added décor and for something to read when the snow starts to fall.

Play games! Snow-days can be tough when people feel they are stuck inside with no activities planned. A great way to combat boredom is to decorate with some board games and puzzles. Start a puzzle on your ottoman for people to add pieces to. Place a chess board on a side table for easy access. Having these little activities around will not only be great for those snowy days off, but also to entertain all of your holiday guests.

Try these tips this winter to keep your living spaces cozy, warm and inviting.

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