How to Pair Paint with Furniture

Spring Color Combinations

You’re ready to renovate a room in your house but what should you do first, choose your wall colors or pick out your furniture? If you want to save yourself some time and money, you should pick out your furniture first. Deciding to change the furniture you buy can be costly and a hassle, while you can change your wall colors with the swipe of a brush. Discover the ways you can pair your paint colors with your furniture.

  1. Choose an accent color. Do you have a multicolored couch or chair that is going to be in the room? Printed throw pillows? Choose a color from those prints to paint the walls. The walls will make the subtle colors in the furniture pop. You could also choose to pull one of those colors and paint an accent wall with it. To achieve an accent wall, paint three walls in a neutral or complementing color and the remaining wall whichever accent color you choose.
  2. Choose a complementary color. For every color on the color wheel, there is a color that complements it. If you are no color expert, you can find tools online or in the paint sections of home improvement stores that can help you find a color that will go best with your choice. According to Lake Mary House Painters, you should choose a color that compliments the main piece of furniture you are going to place in a room to complete your home design.
  3. Go monochromatic. To pull off a monochromatic style in a tasteful way, choose one color or variations of different finishes in the same color. You can go neutral or bold depending on your own personal style and the existing decor of your house. Once you’ve settled on a furniture piece, use it’s central color to dominate the room you are going to paint.

Picking the perfect color scheme from your walls to the furniture can seem like an easy enough task, but it may leave you with more questions and uncertainties than you thought. Pairing your furniture with your paint doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you need some help or guidance, the professionals at Rehoboth Beach painters are there to help you every step of the way. Give us a call at 302-650-2578 today to schedule a free consultation!

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