Smart Storage Ideas for Any Sized Home

With all of this extra time spent at home, has your house started to feel cluttered and messy? While decluttering is always an option, sometimes you just want to store your stuff in a more orderly fashion. No matter what size space you live in, the following smart storage ideas can help you organize your home and free up some mental and physical space.

Revamp your resting place

Your bed can be used for more than just sleeping. There are headboards on the market with built-in shelving units and bed frames with drawers built into the base. If purchasing a new bed frame isn’t in the cards, consider placing your bed on bed risers. Risers provide a few inches of extra space under your bed for additional storage. Use flat plastic or cloth bins to store sheets, towels, and other goods out of sight.

Clean up your cabinets

Kitchen cabinets are notorious for housing a mess of pots, pans, and lids. If you avoid opening your cabinets for fear of being bombarded with a mess of Tupperware, consider getting cabinet shelving units. They typically come in sets with shelves for larger items, such as pots and pans, and slots for lids. If your cabinets are too small to store your kitchenware, hanging your pots and pans might be a good alternative. Hang them above your oven or sink and they’ll double as industrial-inspired decor.

Find functional furniture

Investing in multifunctional furniture is a great way to store excess household items, says a Springfield interior decorator. If your living room feels cluttered, consider using ottomans or stools with storage space hidden beneath the cushion. You can store extra blankets or toys in this space. Another great option is a coffee table with a shelving unit at the bottom where you can put magazines, coasters, board games, and other knick-knacks.

Stack it up

If you have limited floor space for storage, consider stacking shelves. Many commercial shelving units come with wall mounts and can easily be placed on top of one another. Books and other decor items can be put on display while not taking up an excessive amount of space. If you are planning on storing clothes, invest in stackable cubes. Not only does stacking shelves free up extra space, but doing so can turn them into a focal point for your room and be a beautiful piece of decor.

Go high

Are your walls full of artwork and photos, leaving no room for shelving units or bookcases? Work around these obstacles and mount shelves close to your ceiling around the perimeter of your room. Not only does this look beautiful, but it also serves as an excellent storage space for items you may not use often but still want to put on display.

Life is chaotic enough right now. That’s why we should take extra care in keeping our homes in order. Free up space and clear clutter by following these clever home storage solutions.

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